Since 2nd March 2016......
Pig keepers and their vets are legally obliged to report any suspicious cases of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhoea (PEDv) to the Scottish Pig Disease Control Centre under the Specified Diseases (Notification) Amendment (Scotland) Order 2016. Notification of suspicion should be made by phone using the dedicated phoneline (01466 705 247).
The key features of PED are:
- Diarrhoea that spreads rapidly in a group of pigs over a few days and affects any age of pig
- A high proportion of pigs affected (> 50%)
- High mortality (30-100%) in young suckling piglets if due to a highly virulent strain
- Diarrhoea is watery
- Older pigs may recover from the diarrhoea
- Pigs may show a reduced appetite or be unwilling to move, and may vomit